Hits & Misc. #15: Tweet Tweet 🐣

Hits 🎯

Yesterday was the first day of spring and today we’ve got snow on the ground and robins singing in the tree out front and that seems pretty much par for the course these days.

I’ve been thinking (and reading) a lot about the past and present and future of what we used to call “social” media lately. While there’s much I’m excited about (group chats! newsletters!) I’ve been missing the opportunity Twitter once uniquely afforded to reflect and report on things that seemed inconsequential in the moment but proved meaningful over time.

I’ve tried journalling as an alternative, but haven’t been able to stick with it—the privacy of the practice leading me too deep, too fast. I suppose what I’m really missing are shallow waters to splash around in. A place to publish playfully, to think out loud.

Cleaning out my desk the other day I found a note that reads: “The only routine is the one about to change.”

What I’m trying to say (if you haven’t already guessed) is that I’ve got a hunch this newsletter is headed somewhere less structured and more random, less premeditated and more reflexive…

Misc 🔗

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Hits & Misc. #16: Three Things That Are Really Nine Things 3️⃣


Hits & Misc. #14: Talk to me (about talking to you) 🗣️