Things I Like(d) #04: Tiny Desk Concerts πŸ”Ž

There's more where these came fromβ€”lots moreβ€”but here’s four of my favourite Tiny Desk Concerts from over the years.

Looking back, there's a thread of performance in each; a certain energy beyond the melody and adjusted arrangements...and gloriously too much for such a tiny space to contain.

So unplug those 🎧, turn πŸ†™ the volume, and let's get this party started!

Red Baraat
Any performance that starts with a marching band is going somewhere...πŸ₯


Sax. 'Nuff said. 🎷


St. Paul And The Broken Bones
Get up ON that desk. πŸ•Ί


Son Lux
So serious. But so good. πŸ‘

Next Week: Whatever floats your boat 🚣


Things I Like(d) #05: Boats 🚣


Things I Like(d) #03: Quilts 🧡