Things I Like(d) #07: Getting Things Done ✅
If there's one thing I've learned after reading countless articles about productivity, it's this: you don't need another list telling you how to get things done—you just need to give your tasks the attention they deserve
So, acknowledging the (click)bait-and-switch, here's a few articles from the archives focused on your focus!
When Solving Problems, Think About What You Could Do, Not What You Should Do 🤔
"Should" traps us into searching for that one right answer, while "could" opens our minds to creative possibilities.
To Come Up with a Good Idea, Start by Imagining the Worst Idea Possible 🙃
It's opposite day!
Japan’s unusual way to view the world 🫥
"Wabi-sabi...encapsulates a more relaxed acceptance of transience, nature and melancholy, favouring the imperfect and incomplete in everything..."
A Disciplined Way To Deal With Email 📧
Hint: keep them to three sentences max.
Man Watches Video About Habits Of Effective Artists So He Too Can Be Effective Artist 🧑🎨
SEATTLE—Hoping to pick up a few tips on “maximizing his creative toolkit,” local poet Ian Kelly, 31, was reportedly watching a video about the habits of effective artists Thursday so that he, too, could be an effective artist...
Next Week: Sing-along songs 🗣️